The purpose of this blog is to give commentary, news and other info on events, current and past.
This blog came about spontaneously (titled 'Gaza Peace n' Freedom') in the midst of the January 2009 Gaza Massacre, seeking to present links, photos and videos of a fraction of the multitude of protests occuring around the world with the objective of letting the people of Gaza know that they are not alone, letting the Israeli warmongers know that their crimes will not be forgotten.
𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟
by Nasir Khan Indian academic Badri Raina’s book 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑
𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 shows the poetic side of an imaginative and versatile poet,
whose political...
Trump in Gaza
*David Pakman Show*, en bra nyhetsrapportering
*Trump + Gaza prophecy *
I denna YouTube undervisar en pastor Jim Staley ” Kommer Trump att ta...
What Does Israel Want in The West Bank?
Northern West Bank By Diana Khwaelid Israel is carrying out massive
military operations to displace residents of camps in the northern West
Bank, unpreced...
Vi släpper skärgårdsdeckare i mars 2025
2024 debuterade vi som skrivarduo – Kanon & Wester. Det är så fantastiskt
roligt att skriva tillsammans. Vi har byggt upp olika världar och
Rachid Ghannouchi’s letter from a Tunisian Prison
by Rashad Ali I recently attended a talk by Andrew March on his book On
Muslim Democracy, which describes the journey from what he calls
Sovereigntist Isla...
När städningen hamnar i kläm
Tjena, tjena! Vad roligt att du har klickat dig hit till min blogg, jag
hoppas att du kommer gilla det här. I dagens inlägg kommer du få läsa lite
Ett anförande om (i huvudsak) Arbetsförmedlingen
*(Anförande från en riksdagsdebatt den 27 mars 2019, som kan ses/läsas i
sin helhet här) *
Fru talman!
Spännande att få hålla sitt anförande efter att tv...
Will US global hegemony last for another century?
My weekly article for Al-Akhbar: "Will US global hegemony last for anther
(A critical review of Michael Beckley's new book from Cornell Universi...
No End in Sight in America’s Longest War
Washington, D.C. — August 21, 2017 — In response to President Trump’s
announcement that the U.S. will “fight to win” in Afghanistan,
alongside reports that...
Solidaritet med de palestinska politiska fångarna
Palestinierna på Västbanken och Gaza lever under israeliska militärlagar.
Sedan ockupationen inleddes 1967 har 800 000 palestinier fängslats, vilket
utgör ...
Yes, India, Israel uses water as a weapon
For the past couple of nights I’ve noticed a new commercial on English
language television in India. It seems that Israel is currently promoting
tourism on...
*Först. Jag vet inget om det specifika ärendet som Kalla Fakta talar om.
Sen: Jag försökte få in en förkortad version av nedanstående i några
प्रो. एम एम कलबुर्गी की हत्या
*प्रेस विज्ञप्ति*
नयी दिल्ली : 30 अगस्त : बुद्धिवादी वाम-विचारक और साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार से
सम्मानित कन्नड़ विद्वान् प्रो. एम एम कलबुर्गी की हत्या नरेंद्...
On August 14, a belated obituary for Bassem Mohsen
I met Bassem Mohsen for a few moments in July 2013. He was upbeat and
hopeful that the army had taken hold of power from the Muslim Brotherhood.
[image: Ba...
Twitterkungen Carl Bildt trasslar till det
[image: photo carlbildt2_zpsa0f942f0.jpg]
Jag uppskattar att Carl Bildt Twittrar. Det är ett modernt sätt att
kommunicera som passar honom som person; kort...
Saving Syria’s Children
Londoners: this is happening on Wednesday night, an Intelligence Squared
debate with Save the children: How should the world protect Syria’s
children? The ...
Bomb blasts interrupt interview in Gaza
This video speaks volumes! Also, kudos to the Palestinian young man for
staying calm and rational while all of this was happening.
Verhuizing gaande – alvast welkom op
vrijdag 5 oktober 2012 Rooieravotr verandert van naam en van locatie. Het
wordt Ravotr. En er is een nieuwe website in de maak: Die is al
enige ...
Och allt skall vara slem
Det fanns dom som ville ha honom som partiledare men Pär Nuder sa nej. Det
var väldans tufft gjort. Hur kan man säga nej till ”det finaste jobb en
in solidarity
Dear Mona, You don't know me - but I have just read your wonderful book,
From Gaza with Love. It was given to me as a present last month by my dear
friend ...
الحزب ال…
الحزب الشيوعى المصرى اليسار العربي وتحديات المرحلة الراهنة اللقاء اليساري
العربي الثالث ( بيروت 13 – 15 يناير 212 ) عانت الشعوب العربية لعقود
Art in our Times
By Ammar Aziz Art, in the “free world” we live in, has become the monopoly
of the ruling classes which suits the basic nature of their exploitative
system ...
*Gala Clown por Palestina*
*Varios artistas*
*Xoves 28 de xullo ás 22:00 h*
*Auditorio do Concello*
*Duración: 90 min.*
*Xénero: clown, música e circ...
Solidarity with Egypt's workers and trade unions
This letter of solidarity is being circulated among Swedish trade unionists,
parliamentarians and activists. If you want to sign it, send an e-mail to
الأمن اللبناني يقمع مظاهرة ضد مبارك
آدم شمس الدين 03/02/2011 لليوم السادس على التوالي استمرت مجموعات من
اللبنانيين بالدعوة إلى التظاهر بالقرب من السفارة المصرية في بيروت دعماً
لثورة مصر. لكن ...
Óforskammaðir sjóræningjar
Fann hérna stuttan lista yfir persónuleikaeinkenni siðblindingja (sjá að
neðan) og fannst það nokkuð áhugavert að öll atriðiðn nema tvö eiga við
Ísrael. ...
Quem pode deter Israel
Fonte: Outras Palavras
Por *Robert Fisk*, no *The Independent | *Tradução: *Caia Fittipaldi, *de*
Vila Vudu*
Israel perdeu? As guerras de Gaza em 2008-09 ...
Palestine’s right to statehood
For the best description and analysis of the right of Palestine statehood
read this article. Note: Alison Weir has commented favorably on this
article. htt...
जालपाका चाडपर्वहरु
१. नयाँ वर्ष ः
नेपालीहरुको लागि नयाँ वर्ष आम चासोको विषय रहेको छैन । सहरी क्षेत्रमा
जनवरीमा मनाइने अंग्रेजी महिनाको नयाँ वर्षले राम्रै स्थान ओगटेको भएपनि
We've moved!
We, physically, have moved to Columbia, MD, but more pertinently,
finally...yes finally (drum roll pls) my blog has moved to a new location!
By the time yo...
Removal of Honduras President
June 30, 2009
Press Statement
The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued
the following statement:
The Polit Bureau of the CP...
*Sverige måste kräva att krigsförbrytelser i Gaza utreds av Haagdomstolen!*
De militära attackerna på människorna i Gaza har pågått under tre veck...
ReplyDeleteYou can take photos of protest against crimes in Gaza which were held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 10.1.2009.
There was about 1000 people.
Also today organisation Mothers of Srebrenica organised protest in Tuyla Bosnia - against crimes in Gaza
photos from sarajevo protest