Sunday, January 18, 2009

DFLP: The cease-fire is a result of the strength of the resistance

On January 18, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, issued the following statement:

Olmert's one-sided ceasefire, is due to the fierce resistance of all the factions of the resistance to the brutal Israeli aggression, and the fear generated by the entry of the third phase. It is the result of the legendary steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the enormous sacrifices, and all actions, popular and official, on the Arab, regional and international levels and the resulting pressure on the Israeli Occupation Government.

The Israeli move, made without an agreement with the Palestinian side, it will not survive if not accompanied by the full Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and opening of all the border crossings.

This shows the critical importance of vigilance and unity of the Palestinian political leadership through the formation of a joint all-inclusive and united resistance front in order to thwart the objectives of the Israeli aggression. It is also necessary to stress the need for continued Arab and international pressure on the Israeli Occupation Government for a mutual cease-fire, withdrawal and the complete lifting of the embargo on our people in the Gaza Strip.

Source: Alhourriah, unofficial translation by Gaza; Peace n' Freedom. Newslinks: Barometern, Dagbladet, Dagen, DN, HD, KB, LV, Politiken, Público, SMP, SvD, Sydsvenskan, Telegraaf, Times, TA, VG, YA

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