Press Release
The Botswana National Front (BNF) would like to identify itself with the efforts of believers in Human rights and the struggle for emancipation of the Palestinians who have seen it fit to mobilise humanitarian support for them. The New Peace Flotilla to Gaza will not only deliver the much needed humanitarian aid, but will also draw world attention to the plight of the Palestinians and expose the inconsistencies of the World when it comes to Israel and Palestine. Hopeful this will bring the liberation of Palestine closer.
As it is right now, 10 vessels from different countries boarded by people of different nationalities, some of whom are Jewish, are currently on the way to Gaza. The Israeli government continues to illegally occupy Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem. The people living in these areas have been subjected to so much abuse and have no Human Rights.
We should remember that in 2008/9, Israeli Defence Force assault of Gaza which the Amnesty International dubbed, "22 days of death and destruction" left over 1400 dead. Of these, 326 were children under the age of 16. 112 were their mothers, said a UN Fact Finding Mission. Schools, hospitals, power installations and other badly needed infrastructure were badly damaged. The Israeli army used missiles, cluster bombs, rockets, banned white phosphorus, tank shells and machine guns against unarmed civilian population, save for a few stone throwing youths.
Just last year, Israel shot and killed 26 children whose sin was to scavenge for construction material from the war ruins. Unemployment figures within Palestine stand at a staggering 45%. Medical supplies and medicines have almost run out.
The Israeli blockade of Gaza, which is illegal, has turned the Palestinians into a group of holed up abused people. This is leaving bad scars on the minds, souls and bodies of the Palestinians. It breeds hatred and war.
The Geneva Convention on Human Rights allows a blockade if it is against an enemy during wartime and is used to secure borders and the population. What we are seeing in Gaza is a blockade that seeks to punish a civilian population of 1.6million unarmed people by a heavily armed expansionist regime that kills as and when it wants to. A state that receives billions of US$ annually in the form of US aid. A state that commits so many atrocities but is never punished.
There is no doubt that there has been incidents of firing of home made missiles from Palestinian territory to the nearest point in Israel, Sderat. This was done by some who were venting their anger at the illegal settlements and their treatment at the hands of the ruthless and barbaric Israeli state. Most of the missiles landed harmlessly except for one or two instances where there has been death.
The killings on innocent people,the type of fire power and the length of the operation by far surpasses what Muammar Qaddafi has been accused of by the ICC. Why the Israeli leaders have not been brought before the ICC up to now shows that this Court was set up for certain individuals and to achieve "certain" goals. This therefore makes it compulsory for the international bodies like the UN to be transformed so that they can serve us fairly and democratically.
UN Security Council Resolution 1860, adopted on January 2009, calls for "the unimpeded provision and distribution throughout Gaza of Humanitarian assistance, including food, fuel and medical treatment." International Humanitarian organisations doing work in Gaza say that this has not been fulfilled.
On 31st May 2010, in what got to be known as "Flotilla raid", the Israeli Forces, on International waters, attacked and confiscated 10, 000 tons of Humanitarian aid destined for Gaza which were on six ships of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla".
The BNF position regarding the resolution of the Middle East crisis has not changed; Israel should abide by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 of 1967 which called on it to withdraw to the 1967 borders and for all the countries in the Middle East, including Israel to live in peace within secure and recognised boundaries free from threats of force.
It is our hope that the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) government will make its voice heard and put pressure on its friend and close ally, Israel to ensure safe and unhindered passage of the much needed humanitarian aid to Gaza. We do not want a repeat of last year's Flotilla incident! Israel should not attack the Second Flotilla! The people of Gaza need the aid! Away with Israeli blockade of Gaza!
Moeti Mohwasa
BNF Information and Publicity Secretary.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Botswana National Front: "We do not want a repeat of last year's "Flotilla incident"!"
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Flash from the past

There's a very tragic irony in all of this. During the WWII, a similar tactic of propaganda existed. In occupied Poland (the 'General Government'), the Nazi occupation authorities issued a publication in Polish labelled Gazeta Żydowska ('Jewish Gazette'). Gazeta Żydowska repeatedly published reproductions of advertisements for luxury stores (selling expensive caviar, etc.) inside the Warsaw Ghetto.
The propaganda in this case was discreet in comparison with today's hasbara freak-outs, trying to break down the morale amongst the Jews in the Ghetto and fuel anti-Semitic feelings amongst the Polish population. The class differences inside the Ghetto were consciously highlighted by the Nazi occupation authorities in order to divide and rule.
I'm quite sure that no-one really believed that the Warsaw Ghetto was a nice place to live, just like the hasbara twitters and bloggers actually don't believe that Gaza is a tranquil luxury resorts. Everyone knows it is a lie. But it is a lie that fills a certain function, as it enables the occupation to de-humanize its victims. And de-humanization is a requirement to maintain years and years of oppression and humiliation. To break with oppression, the response is to stay human.
(source for image: http://books.google.com/books?id=-1f9IMMvTc0C&pg=PA583)
Ship to Libya
Men faktum är att båtar har gått till Libyen. Den turkiska organisationen IHH, en av de organisationerna som står bakom Freedom Flotilla II, har skickat skepp till Libyen. T.ex. skickade de skepp till det belägrade Misrata, vilket beskjöts av Gaddafis trupper. IHH har visat en konkret solidaritet med det libyiska folket, en solidaritetshandling otänkbar för skrivbordhögern i Sverige. I fallet Syrien har IHH inte skickat båtar (Turkiet har ju landgräns till Syrien), men organiserar hjälpkonvojer till de som drabbats av militärens repression.
Fredrik Malm & co försöker skapa en bild av att Palestinas befrielse inte skulle vara en del av den Arabiska våren eller att frihet för Palestina skulle stå i direkt motsättning till omvälvningarna i Arabvärlden. Det är en bluff, Palestinafrågan har varit ytterst viktig t.ex. i mobiliseringarna i Egypten (där missnöje mot Mubaraks pro-israeliska linje jäst i åratal) och Libyen (oppositionen anklagar Gaddafi för sionism, då han har spelat en ytterst tveksam roll gentemot Palestina. Folk som idag sitter i NTC, libyiska oppositionsaktivister på 80-talet, jobbade back in the days tillsammans med PFLP för övrigt...).
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Amistades precarias
En los últimos días, en pueblo libio esta enfrentándose a una dictadura asesina y sangrienta. El sufrimiento del pueblo libio nos causa sentidos de angustia y dolor, sentimos frustración de ser incapaces de parar las masacres del coronel Gadafi contra los libios. Pero también el hecho de que algunos gobiernos latinoamericanos han tomado posiciones ambiguas o directamente a favor del dictador, causa confusión y sentidos de malestar.
Escribo lo siguiente considerándome un amigo del proceso bolivariano. Habrá que decir que los pronunciamientos de Venezuela y Cuba, aunque siendo muy vagos (mucho mas vagos que las declaraciones de varios países europeos) y hablando de conflictos en general (no haciendo diferencia entre pueblo y estado) y llamando a calma, estos pronunciamientos dicen que esperen el pueblo libio pueda resolver la situación. Sin embargo, las posiciones son muy ambiguas y no dicen mucho. No condenan las masacres de Gadafi. Incluso el presidente iraní Ahmadinejad ha podido decir lo obvio, que la represión tiene que ser condenado.
Más problemático ha sido el discurso del presidente Ortega de Nicaragua, que abiertamente ha salido en defensa de Gadafi. También debemos notar la “cobertura” de TeleSUR desde Libia, que en palabras claras están reproduciendo toda la propaganda del régimen sin esfuerzo periodístico. El discurso de TeleSUR ha sido reproducido en Cambio, el vocera del gobierno boliviano.
Porque es tan negativo esta postura progadafista?
1. 1. Gadafi se va, el pueblo se queda. Ya no hay duda que el régimen de Gadafi esta por punto de caer. Su gobernación ha sido caracterizado por fuerza bruta, y ya el miedo no le importa al pueblo. El pueblo libio va a sacar a él, cuesta lo que cueste.
En la situación post-Gadafi, acuerdos y amistades con él no tendrá ningún valor. Al contrario, el libio y el pueblo árabe en su totalidad van a acordarse de las posiciones de Ortega o TeleSUR en el futuro. Si habrá alguna agresión del imperialismo contra Nicaragua, el estado Libio y la opinión pública en el mundo árabe en general probablemente se quedara indiferente. A apostar por Gadafi es apostar por el equipo destinado a perder, y si apuestas más tus perdidas serán multiplicadas.
2. 2. Este concepto de geopolítica infrinja al carácter del movimiento revolucionario. El pensamiento de que seres humanos no son sujetos sino objetos (cuyo valor depende de factores geopolíticos) es una desviación de los ideales de la revolución. Si al revolucionario vale más las relaciones comerciales entre países que la sangre de un pueblo extranjero, hay la tentación de adoptar una lógica ajena de una ética humanitaria.
Hay mucha gente en la izquierda internacional que ha tenido problemas a entender la dinámica de las relaciones cercanas entre Venezuela e Irán, por ejemplo. Pienso que no debemos aplicar otras maneras de ver el hecho que países como Venezuela tenga relaciones comerciales con dictaduras que el hecho que los países de la Unión Europea tengan buenas relaciones con China. Es bien entendible. Pero el problema aparece cuando se trata de construir un discurso diseñado para dar una justificación política e ideológica a esta cooperación. Por ejemplo, diciendo que Ahmadinejad o Gadafi son luchadores antiimperialistas.
3. 3. Gadafi no está opuesto al imperialismo. Era, de alguna manera, un antiimperialista en el pasado. Durante los años 80 incluso había una guerra en Chad, en lo cual Libia se enfrentaba indirectamente con Francia. Pero eso ya es historia. Desde 2003 Libia y los poderes imperialistas se han acercado. La Unión Europea tiene una estrecha y perversa cooperación con Gadafi para frenar la migración de África a Europa. Aquí hay un artículo en ingles sobre este proceso http://peterb1953.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/how-gaddafi-became-a-western-backed-dictator/ . Y cuando el pueblo tunecino se levanto contra el régimen títere de Francia, Gadafi amenazaba de intervenir militarmente para defender al régimen.
4. La izquierda latinoamericana tiene responsabilidades específicas ante las izquierdas a nivel mundial. América Latina es la región en el mundo donde la izquierda política está más avanzada, donde tiene poder de gobernar en algunos países. Este hecho tiene impacto a nivel mundial, afuera del continente. La izquierda latinoamericana y bolivariana ha llegado a ser una referencia muy importante para los socialistas de todo el mundo.Durante los ataques a Gaza en 2009, las posiciones de Chávez tenía un gran respaldo en el mundo árabe. Fue saludado como un héroe. Pero también dio una nueva autoconfianza a la izquierda árabe. Las posiciones actuales sobre Libia son muy dañosas, porque pone al proyecto bolivariano en enfrentamiento directo con las aspiraciones del pueblo árabe.
Porque no hay relaciones entre la izquierda latinoamericana y la izquierda árabe? Si veamos la lista de delegaciones internacionales en el último congreso del PSUV venezolano veamos una variedad de fuerzas de izquierda de América Latina y Europa. Pero del Medio Oriente no estaban ninguno. (Creo que había una delegación del Partido Baath sirio, que en ningún sentido representa una fuerza de izquierda socialista). Es necesario un dialogo mutuo entre las dos regiones para evitar este tipo de desviaciones (la izquierda árabe esta unida en defensa de la lucha del pueblo, no repita nada de las mentiras de Gadafi.). En Túnez, la izquierda (agrupada en el Frente 14 de Enero) esta levantando la demanda de una asamblea constituyente. Así que debería haber espacios de intercambio de experiencias.
5. El apoyo a Gadafi da munición política a la derecha latinoamericana. Ya la derecha latinoamericana está bien feliz sobre las posturas sobre Libia. La derecha venezolana esta mirando la rebelión en Egipto, queriendo repetirlo en Venezuela mismo. El apoyo a Gadafi les fortalece, en este sentido. Les ayuda promover el discurso de que Chavez u Ortega son autoritarios. Les ayuda conectar a una audiencia mundial de jóvenes, incluso a gente que se autoidentifica como de izquierda.6. 6. La revolución árabe es una sola. La revolución es un proceso complicado con muchos actores. Hay miles de diferentes reclamos contra las viejas regímenes, por parte de grupos muy diversos (islamistas, elites tradicionales, nacionalistas, sindicalistas, comunistas, etc.). La correlación de fuerza entre diferentes líneas políticas es diferente en cada estado. Pero es un solo proceso. Una victoria en Libia promueve el proceso en toda la región, en Egipto, Yemen, Bahréin, Argelia, Marruecos, Arabia Saudita, etc.. No se puede saludar la caída de regímenes abiertamente proimperialistas como en Egipto o Túnez, y no apoyar la revuelta en Libia. No sabemos donde este proceso termina, pero es cierto que representa una apertura para las fuerzas democráticas y revolucionarias a incidir para que haya otro sistema político, llevando el pueblo al poder.
Tb, lee esto: http://narcosphere.narconews.com/thefield/4324/why-telesur-flop-look-no-farther-its-libya-coverageSaturday, February 19, 2011
Att göra upp med det förflutna
Därefter, se detta
Kontentan, om det inte varit uppenbart sedan tidigare, är att vi måste en gång för alla göra upp med myten om att "moderata arabländer" (t.ex. Mubaraks Egypten, Ben Alis Tunisien, Marocko, Bahrain, Jordanien) skulle vara mer demokratiska eller "på väg mot demokrati". Dessa regimer har i decennier förtryckt, torterat och mördat, samtidigt som Västvärlden applåderat och hungrigt sugit åt sig diktaturernas olja. Det är nog nu, yezzi fock.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
بيان تضامني مع حركة الاحتجاجات الشعبية في البحرين
بيان تضامني مع حركة الاحتجاجات الشعبية في البحرين
شهدت الأيام القلية الماضية تحركات ومظاهرات واسعة في البحرين تطالب بإصلاح سياسي ودمقراطية باتجاه دولة ديمقراطية دستورية، وهذا المطلب كان المطلب التاريخي للقوى التقدمية في البحرين واليوم اجتمع حوله الكثير من الناس.
عشرات الآلاف نزلوا إلى الشوارع مطالين بحقوقهم الثابته، وهذا عدد كبير مقارنة بعدد سكان البلد الذين لا يتجاوزون نصف مليون شخص. هذه الحركة تبدو موحدة وقوية وتعطي الامل بنجاحات ممكنة لمصلحة الشعب.
لكن النظام الحاكم يعود مجدداً إلى أساليبه القمعية التقليدية من ضمنها استخدام الرصاص الحي ضد المتظاهرين. النظام يحاول أيضاً أن يغذي الانقسامات الطائفية والمذهبية مستغلا تنوع المجتمع البحريني من اجل تقسيم حركة الشارع. أما تصرفات رجال الشرطة والجيش فهي همجية اجرامية أدت إلى مقتل عدد من الأشخاص تقول بعض الانباء عن انها 7 وجرح المئات.
في هذا الإطار نجد أنه من الضروري والعاجل التعبير عن تضامننا مع شباب وشعب البحرين والضغط على نظامهم من خلال الرسائل والبيانات التي تدين هذه الممارسات إلى سفاراتهم وقنصلياتهم في الخارج، وأيضاً تنظيم اعتصامات أمام البعثات الدبلوماسية حيث أمكن مطالبين النظام بالاستماع إلى مطالب الناس.
يحيي الوفدي الحركة التقدمية في البحرين ويطلب المزيد من التضامن والدعم معها، ويدين التصرفات الاجرامية للنظام بشدة. كما يعبر الوفدي عن قلقه العميق حيال سلامة وحياة المتظاهرين.
عاشت الحركة التقدمية في البحرين
عاش نضالنا
17 فبراير 2011
#Bahrain appeal for solidarity
Bahraini people went out on the streets on the Feb. 14 on the 10th Anniversary of the National Action Charter . The national reform document on which people have voted in a referendum with 98.4% for it in 2001. On this date, the people decided to demand the royal regime to start implement the political reforms it promised. The demands state that to start effective procedures towards reforming the political regime, combatting corruption, abolishing racist and sectarian discrimination in Bahrain, guaranteeing fair distribution of wealth. And these protests were faced with a crazy reaction from the Bahraini authorities, the number of casualties till now is 7 so far, and this repressive campaign continues to use live ammunition, blocking entrances to a number of villages and towns, raiding and attacking homes in addition to the spreading of armed military tanks in roads.
This repressive attack is considered abandonment from the government of the reform project which guaranteed to the people their right to protest as per the 2002 Bahraini constitution.
Henceforth, we call on all Arab and International organizations to begin a protesting campaign to expose these practices of Bahraini authorities and to protest in front of Bahraini Embassies and UN headquarters in their countries and to maintain contact with Rights organizations regarding this matter. We also call on them to send denunciation letters to those embassies or to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs against these policies. The Bahraini people awaits your courageous stance for its struggle to its legitimate right to live in freedom, justice and dignity.Our path you know is rough and filled with thorns, death on its sides... but we will march on.
Please send your solidarity appeal to:
PO Box 547
Fix Line +973-17227555 +973-17227555
Fax +973-17212603
Fax +973-17210575
Fax +973-17225107
PO Box 1000, 26141
Fix Line +973-17223366
Fax +973-17211363
Thursday, February 3, 2011
New student protest in #Sudan
Student demos have started in the capital. Sketchy news are reaching us of fierse fighting between young people and roit police in five poits around the Capital.Already in Madani,Alkamleen,Portsudanand Neila,people took to the streets Yesterday and today. More news to follow.
Journalists arrested in #Sudan crackdown
On Tuesday the 1st of February, the security forces did not allow the distribution of Almidan. On Wednesday 2nd of Feb. the security forces detained the following joualists and workers of Almidan:
Kamal Karar,editor
Mohaned Al Didieri,Samir Salah Al dien,Mohamed Rahama,Ibrahim Mirgani, Khalid Tawfig,Mawiaa Abu Hashim,.Those colleagues were detained late last night, and are still held in different police locations in Khartoum.
The following members and collaboraters of the editorial board were briefly detained and are requested to report to police station at Khartoum South. They are:Miss Shadia Abd Almoniem,Miss Fatima Albashir and Miss Fathia Ibrahim.
Please, raise your voice demand immediate release of all political detainees and respect to all basic human rights including the right to organise ,assembly and expression.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Declaración del Partido Comunista Egipcio desde Plaza Tahrir, 01 de febrero 2011
Declaración emitida por el Partido Comunista Egipcio
La revolución continuará hasta que se cumplen las demandas de las masas
El momento de la verdad se acerca. Este es el momento decisivo para las fuerzas populares para el cambio de Egipto, para derrocar al régimen de Mubarak. Parece que los imperialistas, y sus amos estadounidenses en particular, están levantando las manos de él después de la continuación de la revolución en todas partes de Egipto.
Hoy, millones emergen para exigir la demisión de Mubarak. Van a evitar y superar todas las conspiraciones del dictador y su banda de espías para frustrar la revolución.
La formación de un comité, que goza de la confianza del pueblo y los manifestantes, es crucial para alcanzar las demandas de la revolución política, económica y social, y hacemos énfasis en las demandas básicas presentadas por las fuerzas nacionales a los diputados del parlamento popular :
1 Demisión de Mubarak y la formación de un consejo presidencial para un período transitorio de duración limitada
2 La formación de un gobierno de coalición para administrar el país durante el período transitorio
3 Convocar a la elección de una asamblea constituyente para redactar una nueva constitución para el país basado en el principio de la soberanía naciónal y asegurar la devolución del poder en el marco de un estado civil democrático y justo.
4 Enjuiciar a los responsables de cientos de muertos y heridos de mártires revolucionarios y víctimas de la opresión, así como velar por el enjuiciamiento de los responsables del saqueo de las riquezas del pueblo egipcio.
5 ¡Viva la revolución del pueblo egipcio!
01 de febrero 2011 - El Cairo
Statement of the Egyptian Communist Party, from Tahrir Square, February 1, 2011
Statement issued by the Egyptian Communist Party
The revolution will continue until the demands of the masses are fulfilled
The moment of truth is approaching. This is the decisive moment for the Egyptian popular forces for change; to topple the Mubarak regime. It seems that the imperialists, and their American masters in particular, are lifting their hands from him after the continuation of revolution everywhere in Egypt.
Today millions emerge to demand the departure of Mubarak. They will prevent all the conspiracies of the dictator and his gang of spies to thwart the revolution and overcome them.
The formation of a committee, which enjoys the confidence of the people and the demonstrators, is crucial to achieve the demands of the political, economic and social revolution, and we emphasize the basic demands presented by the national forces to the deputies of the people's parliament:
1. Dismissal of Mubarak and the formation of a presidential council for a transitional period of limited duration
2. Forming a coalition government to administer the country during the transitional period
3. To convene the election of a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution for the country based on the principle of the sovereignty of the nation and ensure the devolution of power within the framework of a democratic just civil state.
4. Prosecute those responsible for hundreds of deaths and injuries of revolutionary martyrs and victims of oppression as well as ensuring the prosecution of those responsible for plundering the wealth of the Egyptian people.
5. Long live the revolution of the Egyptian people
February 1, 2011 - Cairo
Botswana National Front statement on Egypt and Tunisia
The Botswana National Front (BNF) has been following the events in the Middle East with a keen interest. It has to be understood that what has happened in Tunisia and is now happening in Egypt is a sign that the People want to take control and determine their destiny. There are also signs that other countries which have not known genuine democracy are also on the brink of experiencing the People’s revolution. The Tunisian Jasmine Revolution has set the tone. The political, social and economic realities of the middle east have been altered. We are hopeful that the "Front of January 14" which is a front formed and led by the left parties of Tunisia will not allow this to be just another revolution in vain. The revolution should not start and end with people taking to the streets. The people should feel the fruits of their uprising and sacrifices. It should not be about replacing one looter with another. There should be a complete change in the political, social and economic structures.
The people are rising because they feel their interests are not being taken care of. The lack of democratic space and unfair distribution of resources has given room to these uprisings. The Egyptians and Tunisians are taking charge and not allowing the elite to act and decide on their behalf. They have seen what can happen if you allow such a situation to prevail, where you just vote and seat back. It is not like the Egyptians are not aware that elections are due in September. They lave lost confidence in elections because they say, “this is the revolution of the people who are hungry; this is the revolution of the people who have no money against those with a lot”. The events elsewhere in Africa have obviously made them see elections as a farce. Ivory Coast, Kenya, Gabon etc being good examples. There is now a stalemate in Ivory Coast even after the people have spoken. What the Egyptian state, parliament and judiciary have failed to carry out on behalf of the People is now being carried out by the people themselves. It debunks the myth that only the state, parliament and judiciary are the only arms that provide for checks and balances in government. The people are asserting their authority and supremacy. The people’ revolution is for sure not going to stop until those who shun democracy leave office. The tone has been set and the world will never be the same again. This is a lesson for other dictators. These events are going to inspire others who are oppressed and bring about more openness in undemocratic societies. Egyptian leader and former air force officer, Hosni Mubarak who came into power in 1979 after the assassination of Anwar Sadat currently enjoys the support of the army but this has not stopped the people from taking to the streets to speak out against injustices perpetrated by Mubarak and his allies and call for their immediate evacuation from office.
Mubarak should give up power and allow for peace and change. Because of his over obsession with pursuing his personal interests, he will not realize that the capitalist system that has propped him up over the years will suffer if he does not go. It holds true that the system is pregnant with the seeds of its own destruction. The situation will deteriorate and the oil prices will go up. This will not be good for the capitalist dominated global economy as the rise in fuel will affect the economic recovery as inflation will go up. The US which has been providing financial assistance of about US$ I.5 bn per year to Egypt is not happy to see crude oil prices go up. This will slacken recovery at a time when the Obama administration is under pressure to grow the economy with presidential elections not so far off. The US foreign policy in the middle east is now at crossroads because of the people’s uprising. US stocks suffered the biggest one day loss in nearly six months while the crude oil prices have gone up. Probably sensing that the their ally, Mubarak is likely to suffer the Ben Ali fate, the US has asked the Mubarak regime to avoid using force against its people. Just to ensure that they are on the side of the people. The ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) government should have its voice heard and be on the side of the people. They went against the SADC consensus on Zimbabwe and recently invited Alassan Quattara to Botswana on a state visit at a time when other countries are busy trying to find a solution to the Ivory Coast impasse. While the Botswana government foreign has lately been to break ranks with the rest of the region and shout and make their views heard without due consideration, they have been quiet on Swaziland, which still remains undemocratic and continues to detain political and trade union leaders. The inconsistency of its foreign policy is disturbing. It emphasises the view that they are a regional proxy of the West.
These events in Tunisia and Egypt are also going to change the geo-political landscape of the middle east. The Egyptian leader helped a lot in ensuring that Israel continues to persecute the people of Palestine. Egypt was the first Arab state to sign a peace agreement with Israel. Winds of change are now blowing though the region and there is a glimmer of hope for the liberation of the Palestine people.
The Mubarak regime is collapsing because it failed to fully empower and develop its people. We at the BNF have always maintained that the resource that has to be empowered and developed is the people. It is the empowered and fully developed people who will in turn develop the country. By this we mean an all rounded development; political, social and economic. If this does not happen then the people will rise up and put right what is wrong. It might be delayed but it can not be stopped. People have to also share in the prosperity of their country. They have to benefit from whatever stake is there in the country otherwise that very stake is itself threatened. This is the advise we can give to the dictators and opponents of democracy, social and economic justice.
Moeti Mohwasa
BNF Information and Publicity Secretary
Appeal to expel the NDP from the Socialist International
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sudan: la resistencia vuelve al 03 de febrero!
Escaramuzas entre la policía y los manifestantes continuó hasta altas horas de la noche, especialmente alrededor de la Facultad de Medicina, el edificio principal de la Universidad de Jartum y la Universidad Al Ahlia en Omdurman. El movimiento de los jóvenes ya tiene su primer mártir Mohamed Abd Alrahman, estudiante de la Unversidad de Al Ahlia. Planes para más acciones de masas están en la agenda de las fuerzas políticas. El Foro de Consenso Nacional, que agrupa a alrededor de 23 partidos y organizaciones políticas, se encuentra todavía en session. Como se ya sabe bien el Partido Comunista de Sudán ya ha planteado la cuestión de derrocar al régimen a través de todos los medios legales incluyendo el levantamiento civil y disobiencia política. Desde el mes de agosto sus agrupación están trabajando para movilizar a las masas en las diferentes secciones de la población .[...]
Algunos de los detenidos fueron puestos en libertad en las primeras horas de hoy. Sin embargo, dos personas han desaparecido por completo en manos de las fuerzas de seguridad. Dr. Husam Malik, que fue arrestado por las fuerzas de seguridad mientras que estaba distribuyendo un llamado en apoyo de las manifestaciones de la juventud y el farmaceutico Luis Awail que trataba de ayudar algunos de los heridos. Todos los intentos de localizarlos han fracasado. Sus familiares y su colegas estan bastante preocupados por ellos. En anteriores casos en el pasado, las victimas estan frequentemente sometidas a tortura.
Tres de las organizaciones juveniles han emitido declaración conjunta, expresando su satisfacción por la respuesta de su llamado a la acción. El movimiento Juventud para el Cambio, la Resistencia en el Barrio y Griefna, llamaron a demostraciones de masas para reempezar el jueves 03 de febrero.
Update Sudan - resistance to reassume Feb 3
Scrimmages between police and demonstrators continued till late at night, especially around the faculty of medicine, University of Khartoum main building and Al Ahlia University in Omdurman.The students and young people movement have recorded their first martyr Mohamed Abd Alrahman ,student at Al Ahlia Unversity.Plans for further mass actions are on the agenda of the political forces. The National Consensus Forum, grouping around 23 political parties and organizations, is still in session.As it is well known the Sudanese Communist Party have already raised the issue of toppling the regime through all legal means including civil uprising and political disobedience.Since last August its branches are working to mobilize the masses in the different sections of the population.[...]
Some of the detainees were released in the early hours of the morning today.However, two persons have completely disappeared at the hands of the security forces.Dr,Husam Malik who seized by the security forces while distributing an appeal in support of the youth demos, and pharmasyst Luis Awail who intervined to treat some of the wounded.All attempts to trace their whereabouts have failed. Their relatives and colleague are quite warried about their destiny.Such incidents in the past usually result in victims being exposed to torture.
Three of the youth organisations have issued joint statement, expressing their satisfaction with the response their call for action have received.The movement youth for change, the neighbourhood resistance, and Griefna, called for mass demostrations to resume on Thursday 3rd of Feb.
Demonstrationerna till stöd för det egyptiska folket fortsätter!
...Plats: Framför den Egyptiska ambassaden Stockholm, Strandvägen 35
Tid: Kl 17:00
Egyptiska folket fortsätter tappert att visa krävande förändringen av diktaturen. Alla de åtgärder som vidtagits av diktatorn har hittills misslyckats. Dock har polisens brutalitet krävt minst 100 människors liv och flera hundra sårade, på bara sex dygn. Kaos som skapats av regimens maffia har försökt skrämma folk och senast idag flögs stridsplan nära över demonstranterna i Tahrir Square (Center of Kairo). Diktatorn försöker nu att driva armén till att tysta protesterna men ännu har de inte lyckats. Det finns inga tecken som tyder på att diktatorn har förstått budskapet som folket levererar - inte heller är man villig att lämna. Men folket i Egypten är bestämda och tydliga; en tid präglad av diktatur är över.
Vi måste visa vår solidaritet med folket i Egypten och skicka vårt budskap även till Hussni Moubarak och resten av världens alla diktaturer att NU ÄR DET NOG!!!
Snälla gå med oss att stödja människor i Egypten i deras uppror mot den egyptiska regimens brutalitet och tortyr.
Solidarity continues!
Demonstration in support for the Egyptian People in front of Egyptian Embassy Stockholm
Monday 31st 17:00
To all of our friends in Solidarity Movements
For the sixth day, Egyptian people continue bravely to demonstrate demanding the change of the dictatorship. All the measures taken by the dictator has failed until now; from the brutality of the police resulted in 200 people killed and thousands wounded, to the chaos created by the regime mafia to scare people and finally, today, trying to intimidate people by flying jet fighters over the protesters in Tahrir Square (Center of Cairo). The dictator is trying now to push the army to crash down the protests, but the army still not responding. No sign that the dictator has understood the message or willing to leave. However, the people of Egypt are determined and clear: the era of dictatorship is over. We must show our solidarity with the people of Egypt and send our message also to him and the rest of dictators all over the world. Enough is enough.
Please join us to support People in Egypt in their uprising against the Egyptian Government brutalities and tortures.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Appeal to the Socialist International regarding Egypt
Nor does the statement mention the elephant in the room, namely that the ruling party of a brutal dictatorship that prefers to massacre its own population rather than leave office remains an affiliate to the Socialist International. The fact that the International has not expelled the NDP, unlike the expulsion of Ben Ali's RCD (long overdue, though), is disturbing.
Please contact the Socialist International, and ask that they 1) condemn the Mubarak dictatorship in unequivocal terms and 2) immediately expells NDP from its ranks. Be polite, but clear. E-mails can be sent to secretariat@socialistinternational.org . Even better, send a fax it their London offices at +44-20-7720 4448 or +44-20-7498 1293.
Please circulate this appeal, it can be re-posted on your own blog.
Update Sudan
The streets of Khartoum are rather empty for the first working day of the week.Roit police, security cars, and police vans are moving all over the place, in an attempt as a show of force.The demos of today have achieved its target.It is time regroup, study the experience and chart a new the coming step.coming days are important.
Foreign journalist were forbidden from taking photoes or interviewing politicians.Some have lost their camers conficated by police.Over thirtydetainees including female students were transfered to the headquarters of the security in Khartoum North.Some were beaten on the way to prison.
Un llamado desde Jartum
Mantengan su apoyo y solidaridad, nuestra juventud esta llevando la lucha. Hasta ahora podamos decir que las manifestaciones estan lentamente llegando a diferentes partes de la ciudad. En las tres municipios que conforman Jartum, donde todo empezo, ahora mientras que escribimos hay una batalla intensiva en marcha entre policia antimontines y manifestantes alrededor de la Facultad de Medicina. Lo mismo pasa cerca de la Universidad de Jartum. Ya hay manifestaciones cerca de Banet, Universidad Al Ahlia y Universidad de Omdurman. En Jartum Norte manifestaciones justamente ha empezado cerca del centro comercial principal.
La policía de paisano detienen a activistas en las calles. Aparte de las fuerzas de seguridad regulares, el régimen está usando su propia milicia. Hay cinco organizaciones de jóvenes detrás de las manifestaciones de hoy, estos son la Esperanza y Cambio, Resistencia en el Barrio, Juventud por el Cambio, Grifna, y Cambio Primero. Se componen de fuerzas de izquierda radical y democrática y forman parte del movimiento democrático de masas y toman llaman a otros sectores de la población a unirse a las protestas.
De acuerdo a la información que tenemos más de 70 jóvenes fueron detenidos. Más que un centenar de hombres y mujeres jóvenes fueron lesionados, algunos muy en serio. Hay tres casos que se dice que estan en condiciones peligrosas. Dado que las fuerzas de seguridad están asediando los hospitales, los jóvenes heridos prefieren tratarse a sí mismos o buscar atención privada. Médicos comunistas y democraticos están tratando personas heridas en clincas improvisadas.
Las fuerzas de seguridad utilizan la fuerza brutal desnuda para dispersar manifestaciones pacíficas.
Compañeros: Levanta tu voz, este día, los jóvenes busca su apoyo. Esto es el comienzo.
"Stöd folkets uppror i Egypten – sluta exportera vapen till förtryckarna!"
An e-mail from Khartoum
Keep up support and solidarity, our youth are keeping the fight. Till now we can say the demonstrations are slowly spreading to different parts of the capital.Here we the three towns that is Khartoum,where everything s...tarted,Now as we write there is a fierce battle going on iaround the faculty of medicinebetween riot police and demonstraters. The same is taking place near Khartoum University.Already in Omdurman demonstrations are taking place near Banet,Al Ahlia University and Omdurman Unversity.In Khartoum North demonstrations have just started near the main shopping centre.
Police in civilian clothes is picking up activists in the streets.Apart from thereqular security forces the regime is using its own milisia.There are five youth org. behind todays demonstrations this include Hope and Change,Resistance in the neighbourhood,Youth for Change, Grifna,and First Change. They are composed of radical left and democratic forces.They are part of the mass democratic movement and they taking the lead and appealing for other sections of the population to jion in.
According to availavle information over 70 young people were detained.Over hundred young men and women are injured some very seriously. There three cases which are said to in dangerious conditions. Since the Security forces are beseiging hospitals young wounded people prefer either to treat themselves or seek private care. Communist and democratic doctors are treating injured persons in make shfit clincs.
The security forces are using naked bruital force to disperse peaceful gemonstrations.
Comrades:Raise your voices, Our youth look for support. It is the beginning.
Ett svar till Hökmark om Egypten
Jag tror inte Hökmark egentligen är så glad över demokratiseringsprocessen i Egypten. Israel har helt och hållet baserat sin regionala säkerhetspolitik på allianser med eller tysta samförstånd med diktaturer i regionen. Mubaraks regim har varit de värsta förbrytarna, under hans styre har oljeexport skett till Israel samtidigt som Egypten varit delaktig i belägringen av Gaza. Denna politik har självklart aldrig fått någon som helst uppbackning av det egyptiska folket, och skulle aldrig kunna ha ägt rum ifall ett demokratiskt styrelseskick funnits i Egypten. Hökmark vet självklart om detta, därav hans ambivalenta inställning till demokratiseringsprocessen.
Hökmarks boogeyman är som vanligt Iran. Han försöker hävda att Egypten 2011 är en re-run av Iran 1979, att revolutionen kommer sluta i en diktatur styrd av Muslimska brödraskapet. Jämförelsen och argumentationen haltar dock. Det politiska systemet i den islamiska republiken Iran formades inte över en natt, utan i en komplicerad process. Strax efter att revolutionen hade segrat invaderades Iran av Irak (med Västs stöd), ett krig som kom att kosta miljoner människoliv. Därtill fanns en rad inrikespolitiska vändningar som skärpte motsättningarna i Iran, och banade väg för en totalitär regim. Vidare så är argumentationen ytterst cynisk. För de som torterats av Mubaraks regim spelar geopolitiken kanske inte så stor roll trots allt.
Därutöver är det inte givet att en broderskapsregering i Egypten, eller en regering dominerad av Muslimska brödraskapet, skulle leda till stärkt iranskt inflytande i regionen. Hökmark tar upp Irans relation till Hamas. Men i ett läge där Muslimska brödraskapet regerar i Egypten så kan Hamas beroende av stöd från Iran brytas. Ett demokratiskt Egypten, oavsett om Muslimska brödraskapet befinner sig i opposition eller regeringsställning, kan återta sin rättmätiga ställning som den ledande kraften i Arabvärlden och därmed sätta Iran åt sidan.
Den inrikespolitiska pajkastningen består i följande citat: "Den svenska vänstern och kyrkan i Sverige har snarare fokuserat sin kritik och mot regionens enda demokrati än mot dem som har eliminerat rösträtt, tryckfrihet och yttrandefrihet." Påstående är rent lögnaktigt. Hade Hökmark varit en vän av mänskliga rättigheter hade han kanske deltagit på någon av de Gazamanifestationer som arrangerats i Stockholm de senaste åren. Hade han gjort det hade han med egna öron kunnat höra fördömmande efter fördömmande av Mubaraks styre i Egypten. Bland Palestinaaktivister och palestinier i Sverige är Mubaraks roll som Israels hantlangare väl känd, liksom repressionen mot det egna folket. Hökmark skulle istället för pajkastning kunna rota i varför hans egen partigrupp i EU-parlamentet (EPP) i åratal sökt omhulda Ben Alis diktaturparti RCD i Tunisien.
Hökmark talar om reformer, att stödja reformkrafter. Likaså talar amerikanska regeringsrepresentanter i dessa dagar. Men det arabiska folket vill inte ha reformer av de existerande diktaturerna, lika lite som folk i Östeuropa 1989 tillfredsställdes av erbjudanden om gradvisa reformer inom det existerande politiska systemet. Ett sådant utrymme hade funnits kring Pragvåren 1968, men två decennier snare hade det tåget passerat för länge sedan. De egyptiska och tunisiska demonstranterna vill se diktaturerna falla, och kommer inte nöja sig med något mindre än det. Demokraters uppgift, i Sverige och andra länder, är att ge helhjärtat och oreserverat stöd till den kampen. Inget mindre.
I nuläget förvärras situationen, den gamla regimen försöker kväsa folkviljan med kulor. Omvärldens agerande är avgörande. Sveriges regering måste kraftfullt fördöma Mubarakdiktaturen. I nuläget finns uttalanden på www.ud.se som fördömer mordet på David Kato i Uganda och det vitryska valet. Men om Egypten finns enbart en avrådan till resor.
Nyhetslänkar: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Stockholm, Kairo, Minsk
Bildts hyckleri om Egypten
Nyhetslänkar: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Friday, January 28, 2011
Stockholm 29/1; Demonstration vid egyptiska ambassaden 15.00
Lundastudenter demonstrerar på lördag vid egyptiska ambassaden i Köpenhamn
Tid: 29 januari, kl. 12.00
Plats: Egyptens ambassad, Kristianiagade 19, København, Danmark
Shocked by the Egyptian's security forces brutal treatment of the Egyptian protestors, who have been peacefully demonstrating, leading to the death of 6 Egyptian citizens so far.
Aware that the brutal shooting and beating of protestors is a major violation of their human rights and their freedom of expression.
Alarmed by the mild response of the international community to the scandal taking place.
Denouncing the will of the Egyptian government to continue its illegal actions kidnapping, torturing, shooting and beating up of protestors through its security force and trying to cover up its actions through blocking internet sites ( Facebook, Twiter) and phone connections.
We students of Lund University of different faiths, backgrounds and nationalities decide to take a stand against this.
We shall march onto the Egyptian Embassy in Copenhagen on Saturday 29th January 12 noon Local Time.
We shall denounce its use of force against its own people and violation of their basic human rights.
We shall make it clear that these actions that are illegal and inhuman will not pass without condemnation.
We shall send a message of solidarity to the Egyptian citizens whom are being beaten to death by Egyptian state security forces.
We meet at Lund Central Station at 11:00
We move onto the Egyptian Embassy, a street away from the central station in Copenhagen, on foot.
Your voice can make a difference.
Nyhetslänkar: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Stockholm idag 28/1! Solidaritetsdemo för Egyptens folk
Demonstration till stöd för det egyptiska folket! (Message in English is below)
När?:Fredagen den 28 januari 2011, kl 17:00.
Var?: Utanför den Egyptiska ambassaden i Stockholm, Strandvägen 35
...Till alla våra vänner i Solidaritetsrörelsen;
Gå med oss och stöd människorna i Egypten i deras uppror mot den egyptiska regimens brutalitet och tortyr.
Den 25 januari 2011 gick mer än 200 000 egyptier ut på gatorna i fredliga demonstrationer mot korruption av den egyptiska regimen och för att protestera mot fattigdom, tortyr och förfalskning. De stod inför kraftfull brutalitet av den regimska säkerhetsapparaten; polisen använde tårgas, bomber, gummikulor och ammunition mot de fredliga och civila demonstranterna.
Idag, fredag den 28 Januari 2011, kommer det egyptiska folket runtom i Egypten att gå ut i stora demonstrationer för att kräva sin frihet.
Låt oss visa solidaritet med det egyptiska folket i deras kamp om att återfå sin frihet och mot korruption och tortyr. Sprid ordet vidare, tack!
Demonstration in support for the Egyptian People in front of Egyptian Embassy Stockholm
Friday 28th 17:00
To all of our friends in Solidarity Movements
Please join us to support People in Egypt in their uprising against the Egyptian Government brutalities and tortures.
On January 25th, more than 200 000 Egyptians took to the streets in peaceful demonstrations against the corruption of the government of Egypt, poverty, torture and forgery, and were faced with the brutality of the regime security forces. The police used tear gas , rubber bullets and live ammunition.
Today Friday the 28th, the Egyptian people will go out in large demonstration to demand their freedom.
Show your solidarity with the Egyptian people in their struggle to regain their freedom and against corruption and torture.
Demonstration Location: In front of Egyptian Embassy Strandvägen 35, Stockholm. Time: Friday 28th 17:00
Nyhetslänkar: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Gaza Left Front manifests support for Tunisian people
This types of manifestations are almost always overlooked by Western media. Notably, Zionist advocates generally argue that Arab attention to Palestine is unilateral (and hipocritical). The Jasmine Revolution (or Bread Revolution, whatever you call it) has proven that assessment to be utterly incorrect. The Arab people are deeply concerned by the region as a whole, and when an popular ouburst occurs like in Tunisia all democratic forces of the region respond to it.
News links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Hyckleri i kubik
Att ett sådant beslut sker efter att diktaturen störtats av det tunisiska folket är självklart rent hyckleri. Hade uteslutningen skett under Ben Alis regeringsperiod hade den haft någon form av poäng, som del i något bredare försök att isolera den tunisiska diktaturen. Som protestmarkering är dock handlingen meningslös när Ben Ali redan gått i landsflykt. Partiet som sådant befinner som dessutom ändå i upplösningstillstånd.
Men i Socialistinternationalens familj finns även en annan diktator från regionen. Hosni Mubaraks Nationella Demokratiska Parti är fullvärdig medlem i organisationen. Det enda anständiga vore att utesluta NDP i samma veva som RCD.
Nyheter om Tunisien & Egypten: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Ta hem trupperna från Afghanistan
Tisdagen den 14 december 17:30 på Mynttorget.
Den samlande parollen för manifestationen är: Tänd ett ljus för krigsoffren i Afghanistan - tag hem trupperna!
Det blir tal, banderoller, facklor och ljus och antikrigssång av Jan Hammarlund
Några av talarna är: Lars Ohly, Aysen Furhoff (andra talare meddelas senare).
Vi vill med parollen hedra alla de som dödas i kriget men som aldrig räknas i någon statistik och samtidigt ställa kravet att svenska trupperna skall tas hem.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Asia to Gaza Solidarity Caravan
The Asia to Gaza Solidarity Caravan is being organised by the Asian People's Solidarity for Palestine, an alliance of peoples' organisations, social movements, trade unions, and civil society institutions of Asia . This struggle is broad-based, varied and multi-dimensional. It is humanitarian and for peace, freedom and human dignity. It is against occupation, imperialism, apartheid, Zionism and all forms of discrimination including religious discrimination.
The Asian People's Solidarity for Palestine extends solidarity to the courageous people of Palestine in their struggle, resistance, and intifada against the Zionist Israeli occupation and affirms its commitment to Palestinian Self-Determination; Ending the Occupation; Equal Rights for All within historic Palestine; the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees; and the Establishment of a Sovereign, Independent and Democratic state of Palestine with Jerusalem as the capital.
The Asian People's Solidarity for Palestine commits to build the solidarity of Asian people for the freedom of Palestine , provide materials, resources, and volunteers to support the struggle of the people of Palestine and oppose our own governments' decisions and actions that give economic, financial, military and diplomatic support to Israel and allow it to behave with impunity.
India Lifeline to Gaza, which is a constituent of the Asian People's Solidarity for Palestine will have a conference and a large flag off programme in New Delhi on 2nd December 2010. The Caravan will carry relief material for the people of Gaza . The Asia to Gaza Caravan will cross into Pakistan via the Wagah border where members of the Pakistan Solidarity for Gaza will join the Caravan onwards to Iran . In every country and city that the caravan travels through, public meetings will be organised as more activists and participants join the caravan.
1 December
Participants from East and South East Asia reach New Delhi , India
2 - 3 December
Flag off from New Delhi
and travel to Wagah border, India-Pakistan Border
4 December
Reach Lahore , Pakistan
5 - 7 December
Lahore to Karachi/Quetta, Pakistan
08 December
Karachi/Quetta, Pakistan to Zahedan , Iran
9 - 14 December
Zahedan, Iran to Tabriz , Iran
15 - 17 December
Tabriz, Iran to Eskandarun , Turkey
18 - 19 December
Eskandarun, Turkey to Damascus , Syria
20 - 21 December
Damascus, Syria to Amman Jordan
22 - 23 December
Amman, Jordan to Beirut Lebanon
24 - 26 December
Beirut back to Turkey
26 December
We Sail for Gaza ( Palestine )
Peaceful Resistance
The civil resisters have resolved to resist the Israeli sea siege in a peaceful manner and following the example of civil resisters such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela as well as the long tradition of peaceful resistance from all ethical and religious traditions. The civil resisters are willing to be convicted for their peaceful resistance.
India Lifeline to Gaza
This process has been initiated by Indian people’s movements, social movements, trade unions, civil society organisations and multi-faith and ecumenical organisations. In the two months prior to departure of the Asia to Gaza caravan there will be multi-city programmes in solidarity of the people of Gaza and Palestine . Film festivals of Palestinian films and films of resistance, music concerts, photo exhibits, and theatre productions are being organised by the supporters of the people of Gaza and Palestine .
Palestinian Film Festival: Celebrating Cultures of Resistance
A week-long film festival screening Palestinian films and documentaries is being planned across several cities of India in the last week of October (tentatively 23-30 October). Several other initiatives such as solidarity concerts, theatrical performances, photo exhibits, panel discussions and seminars will also be planned in the days leading up to the flag-off of the Caravan.
End the Siege of Gaza ¢ Freedom to Palestine ¢ Boycott Israel
Endorsed by:
All India Students Association (AISA)
Aman Bharat
Asha Parivar
Awami Bharat
Bahujan Sewak Sangh
Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM)
Bharat Bachao Andolan
Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha
Campaign for Peace & Democracy (Manipur)
Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha (Mazdoor Karyakarta Committee)
CPI-ML (New Democracy)
Forum against Oppression of Women
Free Gaza - India
Global Gandhi Forum
Indian Isladhi Movement
India Palestine People’s Solidarity Forum
Indian Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU )
INHURED International ( Nepal )
Intercultural Resources
Mazdoor Ekta Manch
Muslim Intellectual Forum
Muslim Political Council of India
National Association of Peoples Movements (NAPM)
National Forum of Forest People and Forest Workers (NFFPFW)
New Socialist Initiative (NSI)
New Trade Union Initiative (NTUI)
Palestine Solidarity Movement
People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL)
Phule-Ambedkar Vichar Manch
Programme against Custodial Torture and Impunity (PACTI)
Progressive Students Union (PSU)
Republican Panther
Saheli Women’s Resource Centre
Sarva Seva Sangh
Solidarity Youth Movement
South Asia Peace Alliance (SAPA)
South Asian Network of Gender Activists and Trainers (SANGAT)
Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO)
Trade Union Centre of India (TUCI)
Vidyarthi Bharti
Yuva Koshish
All India Majlis-i-Mushawarrat
Achin Vanaik
Agdish Nagarkar
Amol Madame
Anand Grover
Anand Patwardhan
Anand Swaroop Verma
Anil Chaudhary
Arif Kapadia
Ashish Kothari
Asif Khan
Aslam Ghazi
Bajrang Sonawane
Brig. Sudhir Sawant
Chetna Birje
Ghazala Azad
Ihtishaam Ansari
Jai Sen
Javed Naqvi
Kabir Arora
Kalyani Menon-Sen, New Delhi
Khalid Riaz
Mukta Srivastava
Mukul Sinha
Mulniwasi Mala
Munawwar Azad
Munawwar Khan
Qurratulain Sundus
Reshma Jagtap
Ritu Menon
Rohini Hensman
Salman Usmani
Sandeep Pandey
Sanjay Shinde
Sayeed Khan
Sayeeda Hameed
Shabnam Hashmi
Shahid Siddiqui
Sheikh Muhammad Hussain
Shyam Sonar
Sudhir Dhawale
Sumi Saikia
Syed Iftikhar Ahed
Tusha Mittal
Varsha V V
Vasanthi Raman
Vilas Gaikwad
Winnie Thomas
Yawar Ali Qazi
Indian Coordination Committee:
1. Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan, Editor, Milli Gazette / Majlis-i-Mushawarrat
2. Ashim Roy, National Trade Union Initiative and Member, Asian Coordination Committee
3. Feroze Mithiborwala, India Palestine People's Solidarity Forum and Member, Asian Coordination Committee
4. Com. Ramachandran, CPI-ML
5. Shahid Siddiqui, Editor, Nai Duniya and Ex-MP
6. Dr. Sunilam, Kisan Sangarsh Samiti and Ex-MLA
7. Com. Sanjay Singhvi, Trade Union Centre of India
8. Mujtaba Farooq, Jamat-i-Islami-i-Hind
9. Com. Tapas Ranjan Saha, CPIML-Liberation
10. Niaz Faruqi, Jamiatul-Ulema-i-Hind
11. Dr. Tasleem Rehmani, Muslim Political Council of India
12. Dr. Mrigank, CPI-ML-New Democracy
13. Com. Vasudevan, Blue Star Union
14. Com. Ravi Joshi, Indian Federation of Trade Unions
15. Com. Thomas Matthew, Bahujan Vampanth
16. Sandeep Pandey, National Alliance of People's Movements
17. Bhim Singh, Bahujan Sevak Sangh
18. Com. Aslam Sheikh, All India Students Association
19. Kishore Jagtap, Mahatma Phule-Dr. Ambedkar Vichar Manch
20. Shah Nawaz, Students Islamic Organization
21. Gauhar Iqbal, Palestine Solidarity Movement
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Quote of the month
I'm sorry, but if you rappel onto someone's ship from a helicopter, nothing you subsequently do can be called "self defense". #flotilla
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Sverige 2010
Bloggat; Kulturbloggen, whinar, andrea
Monday, January 18, 2010
Gaza Solidarity Rally in Malmö
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Viktig artikel om motståndet i Iran
Nyhetslänkar: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5