Thursday, June 18, 2009

Barakeh: "Netanyahu has Chosen Settlements - not Peace"

A few days late to publish this, but copying a quote from Hadash Knesset member Mohammad Barakeh on Netanyahu's bantustani 'two-state solution' speech (from solidnet):
Hadash Chairman and Member of the Knesset Mohammad Barakeh said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech in Bar-Ilan University indicated that he was "once again choosing the peace of the settlements, which collides head-on with the peace of the region and all of its nations".

"Netanyhau spoke like a chameleon about a Palestinian state, with conditions and dimensions no Palestinian would ever hear of," stated Bakakeh, a leading member of the Communist Party of Israel.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Märkliga ordval

Den frikyrkliga dagstidningen Dagen har idag en artikel om valet i Libanon. Artikeln inleds med meningen "En ohelig allians av islamister och kristna har chans att ta makten i Libanon." (min kursivering) När begrepp som helig eller ohelig används i en kristen tidning så är det lätt att höja på ögonbrynen. Men ordvalet är inte bara olämpligt utan även missvisande. Libanesisk partipolitik är (kommunisterna undantagna) uppdelad efter sekteristiska linjer, men bägge blocken är breda koalitioner som spänner över hela det religiösa spektrat. Alliansen Nasrallah-Aoun är på inget sätt märkligare eller 'oheligare' än drusledaren (och, hypotetiskt sett, socialisten) Jumblatts allians med falangisterna.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hans Linde (V) pratar om vikten av att rösta i EU-valet den 7 juni

Nyhetslänkar om EU-parlamentsvalet: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Nyhetslänkar om Israel & Palestina: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Bloggat: Esbati

Död åt Tengil!

Bitte Hammargren skriver i en krönika om Tamerinstitutets verksamhet på Gazaremsan, och finner att Bröderna Lejonhjärta är Gazabarnens favorit bland Astrid Lindgrens böcker. Hammargrens text påminner mig om hur en väns 5-åriga dotter kommenterat attackerna mot Gaza i januari 2009. Fadern i familjen försökte förklara bilderna på nyheterna, hur Gazaborna stängts in under blockad, hur de ständigt angreps, deras hus förstördes och hur enda kontakten med omvärlden var via hemliga tunnlar. Dottern svarar omedelbart, 'precis som i Bröderna Lejonhjärta?'.


HD skriver om Israels blockad mot barnlitteratur. Iniskogen och Annarkia kommenterar. Se också artiklar i DN och SvD.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Formalization of apartheid discourse: Banning voices of dissent in Israel

This is a few days late, but still highly relevant, namely that the Israeli cabinet has voted in favour of a draft law to ban al-Nakbah commemorations. Read the Maki statement (source) below:

Israeli cabinet wants to ban Naqba commemoration

The Israeli cabinet has voted yesterday (Sunday, May 24, 2009) in favour of a racist proposal to ban Naqba commemorations. Many Arab-Palestinians commemorate the proclamation of the state of Israel as Naqba, the Arabic word for disaster.

In the proposal, anyone participating in the commemoration of 15 May 1948 could face a three-year prison sentence. The proposal has been made by the racist coalition party Yisrael Beitenu. It still has to go through the Knesset.

The Communist Party of Israel and Hadash (The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality) have sharply criticised the proposal and call it an act of an apartheid regime. Hadash chairman, MK Mohammed Barakeh said the fact the cabinet "ratified the delusions and lack of historical and factual knowledge of a single MK shows the stinking sewers to which government discourse has sunk, as is very much to be expected." Barakeh said Arabs would continue to commemorate the Nakba, adding that the commemoration was not meant "to threaten the existence of Israel, but to correct a historic wrong to the Palestinian people." The proposed bill "is no less severe than the laws enacted by the Third Reich," added MK Afo Agbaria (Hadash). "The State of Israel has declared jihad on the Arab population. Israel is gradually becoming an apartheid state. I won't be surprised if in the future the Netanyahu-Lieberman government imposes additional restrictions on Arab citizens, including forbidding the use of the Arabic language."

The Civil Rights Association also attacked the draft law.
"For the past year we have witnessed a worrying deterioration in Israel of the right to expression and other democratic rights," association chairman and well know author Sammy Michael said in a statement. "Commemoration of the Naqba does not threaten Israel at all. It is a legitimate expression of the feelings of individuals and an entire people," he said.

Tel-Aviv, May 25, 2009